MOBLE has been optimising AI in our Web Builder and CMS since 2017 and with the release of AI Websites we're bringing back our popular Built For You. By hiring MOBLE you'll be working with the experts who built the AI Website platform, and can bring a wealth of proven experience to your team.
AI Websites and Online Stores.
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Background Image Position allows you to chose the focus point of your background image. This can save having to crop and resize images and is particularly important when considering how your background image might render across all devices.
The 5 Frames Method for AI Website Design. Learn the secret on how to design AI Layouts. Design for the Bots to keep your entire content team on track so they can never mess up your beautiful designs. MOBLE is a web builder for designers and a CMS for businesses, with an all-in-one No Code Visual Page editor.
D03 E02 | 06:39
A common query for first timers is knowing when to use an embed image v's a background image. Background Images are most commonly used when you want to apply text on top of an image, here we choose a background image so that a Fixed Height can be applied to your Frame.
In this example, we see an image of MOBLE's office balcony. On the left-hand side are the residential buildings on the Pyrmont Peninsula, and on the right-hand side is the view over the harbour to the Balmain peninsula.
On Desktop, the full width of the image displays, as the image Fit is set to 'Cover' the full width. Though, how will this look on Mobile?
It's obvious to suggest that it's always a good idea to set your Background Image Position by focusing on the part of the image that is most relevant.
However, on many occasions, you will need text on top of the background image. Once you've added text, you can play with the image position to make your text more legible. In this example, the text works perfectly over the table in the foreground. To make the text even more legible:
A Web Builder for Design. A CMS for Business. We serve all businesses from SME's to Enterprise. Talk with us for AI development, custom website design, website development, ecommerce websites, directories, intranets and social networks.